It seems like the United States is finally becoming the melting pot that it brags to its foreign friends about being. I see more and more beige babies these days and I love it. Go Team Interracial! I've dated black women for as long as I've been dating. For some reason, I've always had trouble relating to white women, even though I'm Caucasian myself. For instance, if a white woman is flirting with me, I can't really tell unless she's obviously throwing the panties at me, then I run away scared. Its like they speak a different language of love that Im ignorant to. Its crazy! I've always been attracted to all kinds of women but I'm usually more comfortable and confident carrying on conversations with Black women since it is more likely that we have more things in common given my background and influences. I've been seeing my current girlfriend now for three and a half years; a year and three months officially with a month break thrown in the midst there somewhere but we won't get into that right now! We get along great. The fights are great. The makeup sex is great. Her cooking is great! We have a unique relationship. You don't see as many white men with black women as you do see black men with white women. It seems like that's changing though.
Here are a few famous interracial couples that mirror my own:
Mathew McConoughey and Sallie Richardson
Clint Eastwood with wife Dina Ruiz
David Bowie and Iman
Bob Deniro and wife Grace Hightower
Ben Foster and Zoe Kravitz